A life-saver funda which can really relieve the pain in the ass which iteration would other wise be.
Recursive function is one which calls itself again and again till a specified condition is reached.
It solves a problem by calling a copy of itself to process on a smaller problem. It is important though that the recursion would end at some condition. Otherwise, it is bound to throw stack overflow exception.
So i will be posting the recursion algos for the following scenarios where recursion is a saviour from the long long iterative algo.
Recursive function is one which calls itself again and again till a specified condition is reached.
It solves a problem by calling a copy of itself to process on a smaller problem. It is important though that the recursion would end at some condition. Otherwise, it is bound to throw stack overflow exception.
So i will be posting the recursion algos for the following scenarios where recursion is a saviour from the long long iterative algo.
- Fibonacci and factorial
- Merge sort and Quick sort
- Binary Search
- Tree traversal and Inorder, Preorder, Post Order
- Graph Traversals: DFS and BFS
- Dynamic Programming
- Divide and Conquer Algo
- Tower of Hanoi
- Backtracking algos
So for the starters here goes the recursion algo for Factorial:
int fact(n)
int j = fact(n-1)
return n*j //we can combine these two statements as "return n* fact(n-1)"
else if(n==1)
return 1
return 1